Saturday, October 9, 2010

What Does ISO 9001 Offer?

What Does ISO 9001 Offer?

For one thing, it offers you continued business with customers who may be requiring you to register. That is a pretty strong benefit right there. These customers may never question your quality, but these customers depend heavily on their main suppliers. They know they can improve their quality and through-put, if you improve yours. ISO 9001 mandates a continuous improvement system. You can wriggle and fudge, but if you implement that system and work it conscientiously, you cannot help but improve. Continuous improvement is not just a buzz term. It is an imperative.

Has your industry changed? Has your organization changed? A well-implemented ISO 9001 helps your organization adapt to change. It brings independence of individuals and consistency of practices—two features that tend to resist declines in performance.

What else does ISO 9001 bring you? When well implemented, an ISO 9001 quality system improves organization performance. That is, after all, the whole point. In cases where it does not, the fault tends not to be in the ISO 9001 process (its inherent deficiencies notwithstanding). When an ISO 9001 system does not provide substantial benefits and improvement in performance, it is usually because management has consciously chosen to cut corners, blow smoke, stay uninvolved, and starve the system of all but the most essential resources. “We’ll do this stupid thing, but we’re sure not going to change the way we operate.”

ISO 9001 registration brings you one more thing that your organization may not have today: International credibility. ISO 9001 is deployed and practiced in nearly 100 countries around the world. In today’s ever-growing international economic climate, this is not a bad emblem to have, however narrow the scope of your market today.

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