Saturday, October 9, 2010

What Is ISO 9000 Registration?

What Is ISO 9000 Registration?

Registration is documented and objective evidence that an organization’s quality system meets the requirements of ISO 9000. Certification is a term often used interchangeably with registration. In the context of ISO 9000, they mean the same thing. Registration is the technically correct term for verification of compliance to standards of quality systems. Certification usually applies to verification of the quality of products (as opposed to quality systems).

Registration is carried out by independent companies called registrars. These companies are:

_ Wholly independent.

_ Accredited by a recognized international accreditation body.

_ Selected, and paid, by you.

Registration can cover:

_ The sole location of a single-location organization.

_ Multiple locations of a multilocation organization.

_ Only certain parts of a multilocation organization (under certain conditions).

_ Separate locations under separate certificates. (This is a more costly approach.)

The registration body audits your quality system against the requirements of ISO 9000. It reports its findings in writing. These findings may (and usually do) include noncompliances. Major noncompliances must be closed out prior to official registration.

When this has been done, the registration body:

Lists the organization’s name in its book of registered companies— in effect, registers the organization in its book.

Issues a certificate to the registered organization. This registration includes:

— Identity of the organization.

— Location(s) covered by the registration.

— A list of products/services supplied by the registered locations.

— Revision date of the Standard.

— Registration effective dates.

— Name and location of registrar.

Most registrars limit registrations to three years. After that, you must renew your registration by undergoing another complete systems audit. Some registrars do not use the renewal approach. They simply keep checking the system via surveillance audits. Whichever the scheme, the organization, to keep registration, must undergo a surveillance assessment every so often. Six months is the typical interval. Some registrars offer annual surveillance schemes (not recommended except for firms with exceptionally well-implemented quality management systems). Surveillance assessments are scheduled events (there is no such thing as a “surprise” surveillance audit). Only part of the quality system is checked at each surveillance. Usually, the registrar does not disclose what part will be assessed until the day of the assessment, although some registrars will tell you everything up front.

The entire quality system is usually checked via surveillance audits over the course of three years. There is no way to “fail” a surveillance assessment, just as there is no way to “fail” a registration audit except by refusing to implement corrective action required by the registrar. Normally, registrars allow adequate time, but corrective actions must be done in a timely and agreed upon manner to keep registration.

One final note: As mentioned, each registrar publishes a list of the firms it has registered to ISO 9000. A comprehensive list of ISO 9000 registered firms is available from Irwin Professional Publishing (703-591-9008).

How To Keep ISO 9001 System?

How To Keep ISO 9001 System?

The dreaded “program-of-the-month” syndrome: Here today, with much sound and fury—and, after a slow, embarrassing fade-away—gone tomorrow.

Your ISO 9001 system won’t fade away as long as top management remains committed to it. Top management will remain committed to it as long as they see that it is returning some sort of benefit. That benefit may take one of two general forms:

1. Current business stays as a result of the ISO 9001 system.

2. New business comes as a result of the ISO 9001 system.

Net result: Organization achieves incremental cost savings as a result of the ISO 9001 system. Since most companies get into ISO 9001 due to customer pressure, the first benefit is the most operative one. The second benefit is speculative. The net result, surprisingly, is genuine—ISO 9001 registrants, with virtually no exception, realize proven cost savings—but, like mating elephants, it is accompanied by much roaring and screaming, and takes two years to see the results.

Top management will stay committed to the system if only to maintain existing business and, hopefully, obtain new business. This requires that the organization remain registered. For the organization to remain registered, it must undergo and pass surveillance assessments, usually every six months. This is probably the most potent of the four reinforcement mechanisms of ISO 9001—the attributes that keep the system from fading away as another program of the month.

The second reinforcement mechanism is the Management Review process required by the Standard. Management reviews require that senior management review the ISO 9001 system from top to bottom—its implementation, its suitability, its effectiveness, its results. Management must do this on a scheduled basis. Records must be kept to prove that it is done. The reviews have the effect of forcing management to pay attention to the system. The reviews are also an educational process for management. Over time, they see how useful the ISO 9001 system can be as a management and communications tool.

The third reinforcement mechanism is the internal audit process required by the Standard. Trained, independent employees audit the entire quality system on a scheduled basis and record the results. Corrective actions must be carried out and verified against deficiencies found during these audits. Internal auditing is not only an outstanding implementation tool. It also keeps the entire organization tuned in to the system and improving it on an ongoing basis.

The fourth reinforcement mechanism—and arguably the most important one—is the measurement and analysis processes required by the Standard. If you do a good job of establishing meaningful process and quality measures—and then gather, analyze, and react to the data on a disciplined basis—you will see how well the system is working for you. Word to the wise: Establish the measures early in the implementation, so you have a set of baseline measures to compare with subsequent results.

What Does ISO 9001 Offer?

What Does ISO 9001 Offer?

For one thing, it offers you continued business with customers who may be requiring you to register. That is a pretty strong benefit right there. These customers may never question your quality, but these customers depend heavily on their main suppliers. They know they can improve their quality and through-put, if you improve yours. ISO 9001 mandates a continuous improvement system. You can wriggle and fudge, but if you implement that system and work it conscientiously, you cannot help but improve. Continuous improvement is not just a buzz term. It is an imperative.

Has your industry changed? Has your organization changed? A well-implemented ISO 9001 helps your organization adapt to change. It brings independence of individuals and consistency of practices—two features that tend to resist declines in performance.

What else does ISO 9001 bring you? When well implemented, an ISO 9001 quality system improves organization performance. That is, after all, the whole point. In cases where it does not, the fault tends not to be in the ISO 9001 process (its inherent deficiencies notwithstanding). When an ISO 9001 system does not provide substantial benefits and improvement in performance, it is usually because management has consciously chosen to cut corners, blow smoke, stay uninvolved, and starve the system of all but the most essential resources. “We’ll do this stupid thing, but we’re sure not going to change the way we operate.”

ISO 9001 registration brings you one more thing that your organization may not have today: International credibility. ISO 9001 is deployed and practiced in nearly 100 countries around the world. In today’s ever-growing international economic climate, this is not a bad emblem to have, however narrow the scope of your market today.

ISO 9000 Softwares

ISO 9000 Softwares

1. ISO 9000 Software – ISO 9000 Document Control Software

The concept of document control is integral to ISO 9000. Specifically ISO 9001: 2000, requires the establishment of a document control system that stores and manages documents relating to implementing, maintaining, and continually improving a quality management system. Within the context of ISO 9000, a quality system must be documented and quality records must be maintained. Document control helps ensure effective operation and facilitates better decision-making, by providing a vehicle for employees, customers, and partners to access controlled documentation from any location at anytime.

For high-tech companies that adhere to ISO 14000 environmental management standards, document control procedures are equally necessary to help them continuously improve their environmental management system.

The ISO 9000 Document Control Software is developed & designed to control the ISO 9000 Quality Manual, Operating Procedure, Forms & Documents digitally. System will track the all ISO 9000 Documents by ISO Document No. through out the system.

The ISO 9000 Document Control Software Provides:-

Tracking of Documents- Provides secure tracking of all your ISO 9000 Quality Manual, Operating Procedure & Forms & Documents in any format either in Microsoft Word, Excel, PDF or etc.
Efficiency Document Control- It’s uniquely qualified to be the focal point of a quality management system because it can handle all types of documents regardless of the software used to create them. It provides a secure and centralized document control repository that makes search and retrieval easy during inspections and audits.
Revision Control- Tracking of Document revisions, approval & Release Date. Manually Tracking down any revision on the ISO 9000 document activity is difficult . The ISO 9000 Document Control Software will help to keep track the numbers of revision have been carried out, and also maintain the various revision copies of the documents.
Multiple File Location – System will be able to keep track the directories & folder where the original location is saved.
Centralize Of Document Control – Do not worry about the various department is getting the correct edition of the documents, because all documents have been managed by a centralize software. Document reviews are conveniently scheduled and documented.
Security:System provide User Right Control module which enable System Administrator to define the access right to authorized users and activity allowed.
2. ISO 9000 Software – ISO 9000 Audit Control Software

The ISO 9000 Audit Control Softwarewere designed to handle all aspects of an internal or external audit programme, from planning audits to the follow-up of corrective actions against deficiencies found.

The Control Software increases the accountability and efficiency of your internal/external audits by developing core processes with clearly defined audit plans, step-by-step procedures, and standardized auditor roles and responsibilities. It will help to put you to the right path toward developing a well-organized ISO9001:2000 internal /external audit system.

The ISO 9000 Audit Control Software Provides:-

Audit Schedule – maintains the audit schedule, checklist preparation and all audit info.
Track Non-Conformance – System will help to track all non-conformances found during the audit, including actions & verification.
Corrective Action Report (CAR) – Update of the corrective action.
Security: System provide User Right Control module which enable System Administrator to define the access right to authorized users and activity allowed.