Sunday, March 14, 2010

Five Steps to Implementing ISO 14001:2004

ISO 14001 provides a logical, common-sense approach for

businesses to adopt. To start it is recommended to carry out an

environmental review of the business and the Annex to the Standard

provides guidance on the approach required. The Standard then

requires a management system to be developed that addresses the

key environmental issues that were identified by the review as being

relevant to the business, through a rational programme of control and

continual improvement.

There are five key steps to ISO 14001 EMS implementation, and

subsequent operation which are clearly laid out in just three pages of


The five key steps are:

1. Environmental Policy

2. Planning

3. Implementation and Operation

4. Checking and Corrective Action

5. Management Review

Step 1. Environmental Policy

The company or organisation must write an environmental policy

statement which is relevant to the business activities and approved by

top management. Their full commitment is essential if environmental

management is to work. The ISO 14001 Standard clearly sets out

what to cover in the policy. Often a one page document is sufficient.

Produce a first issue and expect to amend it several times before

assessment and registration as knowledge grows in the company.

Step 2. Planning

Plan what the EMS is to address.

Environmental aspects

First make lists of the environmental aspects (issues) that are relevant

to the business. The environmental review mentioned earlier should

provide most of this information and the Annex to ISO 14001 provides

guidance on the format for doing this.

Consider the inputs, outputs and processes/activities of the business in

relation to;

a) emissions to air

b) releases to water

c) waste management

d) contamination of land

e) use of raw materials and natural resources

f) other local environmental and community issues

Consider both site (direct) and offsite (ie. indirect) aspects that you

control or have influence over (such as suppliers) and in relation to

normal operations, shut-down and start-up conditions and reasonably

foreseeable and emergencies situations.

A simple written procedure is then required to determine which of the

aspects identified are really or probably significant (important) and

training needs, outline the key stages of the project and dates that will

lead to the target achievement).

Gradually apply environmental management programme thinking to

such things as the introduction of new products, new or improved

processes and other key activities of the business. In particular,

ensure existing projects become environmental management projects

where there is a significant environmental impact involved, so that the

EMS becomes company wide. This is a frequent oversight found

during ISO 14001 assessments. The EMS must cover the whole

business – like a net thrown over the whole business and for example

including such things as engineering and maintenance

Step 3. Implementation and Operation

Structure and responsibility

Appoint one or more people, depending on the size of the business, to

have authority and responsibility for implementing and maintaining the

EMS and provide sufficient resources. (It’s worth monitoring costs

carefully and benchmarking these against key consumption figures so

that improvements delivered by the EMS become apparent).

Training, awareness and competence

Implement a procedure to provide environmental training appropriate

to identified needs for management, the general workforce, project

teams and key plant operators. This can have far reaching benefits

on employee motivation. The workforce is usually very supportive of

moves to achieve genuine environmental improvement. Every

company has its share of cynics but even some of these can be won

over with time. Training will vary from a general briefing for the

workforce to detailed environmental auditor training.


Implement procedures to establish a system of internal and external

communication to receive environmental information and respond to it

and to circulate new information to people that need to know. This will

include: new legislation, information from suppliers, customers and

neighbours and communications both with employees and for

employees about progress with the EMS. This process can often

generate worthwhile ideas from employees themselves for future

environmental improvements.

Environmental management system documentation

The EMS itself needs to be documented with a manual, procedures

and work instructions but keep it brief and simple. The Standard

clearly states where procedures are required. Eleven system

procedures are required to maintain the EMS, plus operating work

instructions but if you already have ISO 9000, this will cover most of six

of the procedures required and a quality system can certainly be

expanded to cover ISO 14001 as well. Cross reference the EMS

manual to other environmental and quality documents to link the EMS

and to integrate it with existing business practices.

Operational control

Implement additional operating procedures (work instructions) to

control the identified significant (important) aspects of production

processes and other activities. Some of these will already exist but

may need a ‘bit of polish’. Don’t forget significant aspects that relate to

goods and services from suppliers and contractors.

Emergency preparedness and response

Implement procedures to address reasonably foreseeable

emergencies and to minimise their impact should they occur. (eg. Fire,

major spillages of hazardous materials, explosion risks etc.)

Step 4. Checking and Corrective Action

Monitoring and measurement

Implement procedures to monitor and measure the progress of

projects against the targets which have been set, the performance of

processes against the written criteria using calibrated equipment (verify

monitoring records) and regularly check (audit) the company’s

compliance with legislation that has been identified as relevant to your

business. The most effective way of doing this is through regular

progress meetings.

Nonconformance and corrective and preventive action

Implement procedures to enable appropriate corrective and

subsequent preventive action to be taken where breaches of the EMS

occur (eg. process control problems, delays in project process, noncompliance

with legislation, incidents etc.).


Implement procedures to keep records generated by the

environmental management system. The Annex to the Standard

suggests those that are likely to be required.

Environmental management system audit

Implement a procedure to carry out audits of each part of the EMS and

company activities and operations to verify both compliance with the

EMS and with ISO 14001. Audit results must be reported to top

management . A typical audit cycle is one year but more critical

activities will require auditing more frequently.

Step 5. Management Review

At regular intervals (typically annual), top management must conduct

through meetings and record minutes of a review of the EMS, to

determine that it is still appropriate and effective or to make changes

where necessary. Top management will need to consider audit

results, project progress, changing circumstances and the requirement

of ISO 14001 for continual improvement, through setting and achieving

further environmental targets.

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